Newburyport's Road to Revolution, Part III - The First Tea Party
Join us for a special Sunday afternoon event at the Museum of Old Newbury to explore a tea party mystery--Boston? or Newburyport?
What's New in OId Newbury
Join us for a special Sunday afternoon event at the Museum of Old Newbury to explore a tea party mystery--Boston? or Newburyport?
Join us on a stroll through history as we explore Old Hill Burying Ground and its links to the people who shaped Newburyport's Revolution!
Join us for "Follow the Thread...a Tale of Six Dresses" where we showcase six fabulous dresses in person! Tickets available March 11.
Join us on April 27, 2025, at 1:00 PM to explore cool Newbury(port) transportation innovations - from bridges to boats, trains to planes!
Join a panel of noted scholars for a discussion of how Newburyport grappled with the promise and paradox of liberty.
Join us on a stroll through history at the First Parish Burying Ground, and meet the people who shaped Newbury(port)'s Revolution!
Join Joel Bohy, early weapons expert, for an exploration of the muskets and swords carried during American Revolution.
Come hear Alexander Cain's captivating talk on Newburyport in the early days of the Revolutionary War.
Join Graham McKay of Lowell’s Boat Shop and Bethany Groff Dorau as they explore how Newburyport defended Nbpt harbor against attack by sea.
Join historian and author Alexander Cain for a captivating lecture exploring the roots of the American Revolution in Essex County.
Have you come to a dead end in your online house history research? There's more to discover in the wonderful warrens of local archives and museums.
What better time than Winter Solstice to grab a flashlight and join us for a walk through historic Oak Hill Cemetery on the longest night of the year?
To add to the intimacy and atmosphere of darkness, many epitaphs are easiest to read by flashlight. Join noted author and historian Ghlee Woodworth, a 12th generation Newburyport native, and Museum of Old Newbury executive director Bethany Groff Dorau for a nighttime stroll through the historic 1842 Oak Hill Cemetery, final resting place of shipwrecked sailors, sea captains and merchants, architects and photographers, writers and poets, silversmiths and newspaper editors, and adventurers who travelled to the California gold rush. We will visit several Ebenezers, though none of them Scrooges, and toast the longest night with hot cider, cider donuts, and good cheer.
$10 Members - $20 General Admission
Solstice in the Cemetery: Night Walk Through Oak Hill!
Date: Friday Dec 20, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Oak Hill Cemetery
What better time than Winter Solstice to grab a flashlight and join us for a walk through historic Oak Hill Cemetery on the longest night of the year?
To add to the intimacy and atmosphere of darkness, many epitaphs are easiest to read by flashlight. Join noted author and historian Ghlee Woodworth, a 12th generation Newburyport native, and Museum of Old Newbury executive director Bethany Groff Dorau for a nighttime stroll through the historic 1842 Oak Hill Cemetery, final resting place of shipwrecked sailors, sea captains and merchants, architects and photographers, writers and poets, silversmiths and newspaper editors, and adventurers who travelled to the California gold rush. We will visit several Ebenezers, though none of them Scrooges, and toast the longest night with hot cider, cider donuts, and good cheer.
Get your ticket for the legendary Museum of Old Newbury Members' Holiday Party! Check your membership status (call us and we'll gladly check for you), and come back to sign up on November 10!
Join your fellow members of the Museum of Old Newbury for a special evening in the 1808 Cushing House. Stroll through the glittering, decorated rooms of this grand home at twilight.
Then, grab a hot cider or an Ipswich Ale and head out to the decorated courtyard to enjoy a view of the c.1810 Carriage House.
The Portermen, Newburyport's own sea shanty and traditional music singers, and a fabulous hot jazz band will perform in the lecture hall, the courtyard, and the c.1810 Carriage House.
Enjoy festive drinks, appetizers, desserts, and good cheer as we celebrate the history of our beautiful community.
Admission is free for members of the Museum of Old Newbury. Registration is required and space is limited.
Images courtesy of Bob Watts
Kellie Carter Jackson
Author Kellie Carter Jackson presents 5th Annual William Lloyd Garrison Lecture
NEWBURYPORT – Author and Wellesley College Professor Kellie Carter Jackson will speak on the topic "We Refuse: A Forceful History of Black Resistance" in the 5th Annual William Lloyd Garrison Lecture on Sunday, Dec. 8, at Old South Church.
Jackson’s lecture, which is the focus of her new book of the same name, is free and open to the public. It will begin at 3 p.m. at the church, located at 29 Federal St.
The annual Garrison Lecture celebrates the work of crusading newspaper editor William Lloyd Garrison and Black abolitionists from Newburyport. Garrison was born in Newburyport in 1805 and went on to be founder and publisher of “The Liberator” anti-slavery newspaper.
Jackson is the Michael and Denise ’68 Associate Professor in the Department of Africana Studies and the Chair of Africana Studies at Wellesley College. Her essays have been featured in many publications including The New York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, The Guardian, The Los Angeles Times, and the Boston Globe. She also has been featured in a host interviews or documentaries for Netflix, Apple TV, MSNBC, PBS, Good Morning America, CBS Mornings, and CNN. Besides her book “We Refuse: A Forceful History of Black Resistance”, Jackson is author of “Force and Freedom: Black Abolitionists and the Politics of Violence (America in the Nineteenth Century).” She is also the host and EP of “You Get a Podcast!” and co-host of the podcast “This Day in Esoteric Political History.”
After the lecture Professor Jackson will be signing books, and Jabberwocky BookShop will have books on hand for sale.
As part of the celebration of Garrison’s legacy, at 3 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 5, the Black History Initiative and the City of Newburyport will dedicate the new interpretive sign Fighting for Double Victory: Newburyport’s Black Soldiers and Sailors in Brown Square.
The Cousins family and other descendants of veterans featured on the panel will be in attendance for remarks by elected officials, former Essex County Sheriff Frank Cousins and William (Billy) Cousins. The dedication will be held near the sign’s location near the veterans plaza on the Green Street side of Brown Square in Newburyport. In addition, Mayor Sean Reardon is expected to proclaim the week of Dec. 4-10 as Human Rights and Anti-Oppression Education Week and the Newburyport Public Library will provide a recommended reading list of books available for adults and children relating to Garrison, the abolitionist movement and racial justice. The Annual William Lloyd Garrison lecture is organized by the independent volunteer Friends of William Lloyd Garrison with help from the Museum of Old Newbury, Old South Presbyterian Church, the Newburyport Black History Initiative, the Newburyport Human Rights Commission, and the PEG Center for Art and Activism.
This lecture series receives support from Mass Humanities, the Mass Cultural Council, the Newburyport Cultural Council, Newburyport Bank, Newburyport Preservation Trust, and the Newburyport Trust Fund Commission
For more online: www.wlgarrison.com.
Photo Courtesy of Bob Watts
An annual tradition! Come enjoy the 1808 Cushing House decorated for the season by local garden clubs and volunteers.
Holidays at the Cushing House
Visit the 1808 Cushing House on Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8 from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to enjoy this National Historic Landmark in all its holiday finery!
Guests will enjoy exquisite decorations, festive music and the company of friends and neighbors for two days of first floor walk-through tours. On Saturday, December 7 from 11 to 2 p.m., and again on Sunday from 12-3, traditional music group O’Carolan Etc. will perform music that would have been familiar to the earliest residents of this house.
The grand 1808 Cushing House is a perfect space to highlight the talents of area garden clubs and decorators including volunteers from the Newburyport Garden Club, Newburyport Horticultural Society, Newbury Garden Club, and West Newbury Garden Club. Special thanks to Martha Bower and Tom Bower and Phyllis Orem for the door wreaths and other decor.
This event is free to members of the Museum of Newbury and residents of "Old Newbury" (Newbury, West Newbury, Newburyport and Byfield) to thank the community for their support. $10 for general admission. Donations gratefully appreciated.
Whether you're looking for festive inspiration, a fun outing with family and friends, or simply want to immerse yourself in the holiday atmosphere, Holidays at the Cushing House is the place to be. Mark your calendars and join us for this unforgettable event!
NOTE: Author and historian Ghlee Woodworth will be selling and signing her books, Tiptoe Through the Tombstones and Clipper Heritage Trail, Volume I and Volume II on Sunday 10-12. Museum of Old Newbury hats, books, tote bags, and copies of signed books by Bethany Groff Dorau, Brief History of Old Newbury and A Newburyport Marine, will also be available.
Special thanks to Tendercrop Farm, Little Evergreen Farm, and Long Hill Orchard for generously supporting our museum and garden clubs this year.
Join us for a full day Conference on Newburyport and the China Trade, 1844-2024: Commerce, Diplomacy, and the Arts in the Years of the Dragon.
Newburyport is forever linked with China through diplomacy and trade.
In 1843, Caleb Cushing of Newburyport resigned from the U.S. Congress to become America’s first commissioner to China. He arrived in China with four American warships, laden with gifts including revolvers, a telescope, and an encyclopedia, and used both threats and flattery to achieve his ends. The subsequent 1844 Treaty of Wanghia, named for the village where it was signed, was the first treaty between the U.S. and China. It was one more way in which Newburyport and the China Trade were inextricably linked.
Join foreign policy experts, award-winning authors, master craftsmen, art specialists, and more as we explore the links between Newburyport and the China Trade, then and now. Presenters will include Eric Jay Dolin, author of When America Met China, and Dane Morrison, author of True Yankees: The South Seas & the Discovery of American Identity, along with art, shipbuilding, and modern China experts to evaluate the impact of the China Trade on various aspects of our community, our nation, and the world.
Sessions include:
When America First Met China: An Exotic History of Tea, Drugs, and Money in the Age of Sail
Newburyport's Caleb Cushing, The Treaty of Wanghia, and the birth of Sino-American Diplomacy
Postcards from the Pearl River: Chinese Export Painting and Decorative Arts in the 18th and 19th Centuries
Vessels of the China Trade — Types and Technology
Panel: Modern China: Education, Foreign Policy and Lasting Legacies of the China Trade
Optional, limited-space "field trips" (registration required, conference attendees only):
Napier Ship Model Studio Tour - Visit the studio/workshop of Rob Napier, a ship model professional engaged in building and repairing models for individuals and institutions. Rob’s original models are created on a broad groundwork of documentation found in the historical, photographic, and artistic records. His work has won awards at national and regional competitions, and he has judged numerous ship modeling events. 3:45-4:45, $10/person (conference attendees only).
Private Tour of the Phillips Library and Hawkes Collection Center - Join Jennifer Hornsby (Reference and Access Services Librarian) and Dana Gee (Technical Services Librarian) for a tour of the Peabody Essex Museum's Phillips Library and its home facility, the James B. and Mary Lou Hawkes Collection Center. This 120,000-square-foot facility provides state-of-the-art preservation, protection, and care of PEM’s extensive collection of art and culture–including the Phillips Library's reading room, digitization lab, and stacks. Come take a look behind-the-scenes! 3:30-4:30, free (conference attendees only).
Newburyport Relics of the China Trade: Behind-the-scenes at the Custom House Maritime Museum - Join curator Kevin MacDonald for a special tour of the rich collection of art, artifacts, and documents that speak to Newburyport's engagement in the China Trade. This year, the CHMM celebrates it's 50th year. When it opened in 1975, the Museum of Old Newbury loaned, and then gifted, over a thousand items which were foundational in the CHMM's ability to tell the maritime story of Newburyport. The majority of these artifacts are on display and many pertain to the China Trade. A new exhibit presents and interpretes these objects, souvenirs of a time past when clipper ships raced across the oceans. 3:45-4:45, $10/person (conference attendees only).
This full-day event includes lunch and is hosted by The Governor's Academy.
Tickets are $45 for Museum of Old Newbury Members; $60 for non-members
Please visit https://www.newburyhistory.org/membership or call 978-462-2681 today for more information or to become a member!
What better time than twilight in October to grab a flashlight and join us for a walk through the historic Oak Hill Cemetery. To add to the intimacy and atmosphere of darkness, many epitaphs are easiest to read by flashlight.
Join noted author and historian Ghlee Woodworth, a 12th generation Newburyport native, for a nighttime stroll through the historic 1842 Oak Hill Cemetery, final resting place of shipwrecked sailors, sea captains and merchants, architects and photographers, writers and poets, silversmiths and newspaper editors, and adventurers who travelled to the California gold rush.
Tickets are $10 for Museum of Old Newbury Members; $20 for non-members
What better time than twilight in October to grab a flashlight and join us for a walk through the historic Highland Cemetery. To add to the intimacy and atmosphere of darkness, many epitaphs are easiest to read by flashlight.
Join noted author and historian Ghlee Woodworth, a 12th generation Newburyport native for a nighttime stroll through the historic 1800 Highland Cemetery. From the graves of Newburyport’s Black residents to daring Revolutionary War privateers, accomplished artists, brave Civil War nurses, and ordinary Newburyporters, learn about people whose lives were recorded in stone.
Tickets are $10 for Museum of Old Newbury Members; $20 for non-members
What better time than twilight in October to grab a flashlight and join us for a walk through the historic Old Hill Burying Ground. To add to the intimacy and atmosphere of darkness, many epitaphs are easiest to read by flashlight.
Wander through Newburyport’s historic 1729 Old Hill Burying Ground with noted author and historian Ghlee Woodworth, a 12th generation Newburyport native. Meet Revolutionary War heroes, captains and merchants of Old Newbury, and even a “cool, cool cat” in a stroll around this hilly graveyard. Old Hill boasts some of the most ornate early tombstone decoration in New England. From recently rediscovered graves of Black Newburyporters to the mausoleums of Newburyport’s merchant families, Old Hill Burying Ground looks down on the city from its perch above Bartlet Mall.
Tickets are $10 for Museum of Old Newbury Members; $20 for non-members
What better time than twilight in October to grab a flashlight and join us for a walk through this historic First Parish Burying Ground, final resting place of some of Old Newbury's first European settlers?
To add to the intimacy and atmosphere of darkness, many epitaphs are easiest to read by flashlight. Join Museum of Old Newbury executive director Bethany Groff Dorau for a nighttime stroll through the historic First Parish Burying Ground, established in 1646. Hear tales of murder, witchcraft, courage, and romance, and visit some of the oldest marked graves in Essex County.
Tickets are $10 for Museum of Old Newbury Members; $20 for non-members
Join us for an exciting evening at the New Acquisitions for Old Newbury event! This is your chance to connect with fellow members and celebrate our organization's achievements over the past year.
On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 6:30, we will gather for a reception at 98 High Street, Newburyport, MA 01950 to reconnect with friends and neighbors who share our passion for preserving the rich history of the Newburys.
Please note: This event is free for members, but registration is required as space is somewhat limited. Please reserve your place by registering here.
During this in-person event, following a brief business meeting, you will have the opportunity to view highlights of the past year's acquisitions. Learn the story of John Burke's talismanic "Masterpiece" cane. View an extraordinary collection of historic Plum Island images captured on glass plate negatives, and learn about a rare marsh painting by Lilian Wescott Hale. Hear an extremely rare contemporary account of the flamboyant Lord Timothy Dexter. Find out why a stump may be the most interesting acquisition of the year, mourn the tragic loss of young father Samuel Lunt during the Civil War, and so much more!
Don't miss out on this special event! Join us at New Acquisitions for Old Newbury and be part of our mission to preserve and celebrate the history of our remarkable community. We look forward to seeing you there!
Architectural styles, like clothing, come into fashion for functional, aesthetic, economic and social reasons. Over time homeowners renovate, enhance, and adapt to reflect changing times and fashions.
Join us for a walking tour of Newburyport’s architectural styles from the 18th and 19th centuries as found along High Street and the neighborhood near the Museum of Old Newbury. Learn to distinguish prevalent styles, note changes that have occurred over time, and determine what questions to ask about historic houses.
This approximately 90-minute walk allows ample time to walk and talk with your knowledgeable guide and other participants. Together we will walk through time using the lens of Newburyport’s fashionable old houses!
Wear comfortable shoes for uneven terrain and bring a water bottle. In case of extreme weather, this event will be an illustrated talk at the Museum of Old Newbury.
Architectural Walking Tours are currently scheduled for
Sunday September 8
Sunday September 22.
Maven: from the Yiddish meyvn, a maven is an expert, literally, one who understands.
Enjoy an evening of music in the Cushing House Garden with two members of the Museum of Old Newbury family, who also happen to be extraordinarily talented vocalists.
Meg Groff, best known for her sultry jazz vocals is the daughter of executive director Bethany Groff Dorau. Ella Suchecki, a celebrated singer/songwriter, is also the visitor services assistant at the Museum. These two rising stars will fill the evening with song, with the support of the superb Chuck Walker Trio, for one night only before Ella leaves to complete her studies at Salve Regina University.
This event is a fundraiser for the intern program at the Museum of Old Newbury. Your ticket includes delicious appetizers and desserts, one token for a signature event cocktail, wine, or fresh, local Ipswich Ale (additional beverages available), and first-floor walk-through evening tours of the 1808 National Historic Landmark Cushing House.
Early access tickets are available for current members of the Museum of Old Newbury.
Museum of Old Newbury members: $50, future members: $75 (includes discounted individual membership - please contact us here to upgrade to other membership tiers).
Rain or shine – limited seating – feel free to bring a chair.
Not able to attend but would like to make a donation? Select the donation option on the ticket page, call us at 978-462-2681, or visit our website here.
About the Museum Intern Program: Every year at the Museum of Old Newbury, we have talented, hard-working young people who join us, some for several years at a time. We receive partial funding for two interns. This year, we have six amazing students, from high-schoolers to graduate students, bringing energy and fun and baked goods to our busy office. Please consider a donation to support the interns at the Museum of Old Newbury, so we can keep these learning opportunities accessible to all.
Architectural styles, like clothing, come into fashion for functional, aesthetic, economic and social reasons. Over time homeowners renovate, enhance, and adapt to reflect changing times and fashions.
Join us for a walking tour of Newburyport’s architectural styles from the 18th and 19th centuries as found along High Street and the neighborhood near the Museum of Old Newbury. Learn to distinguish prevalent styles, note changes that have occurred over time, and determine what questions to ask about historic houses.
This approximately 90-minute walk allows ample time to walk and talk with your knowledgeable guide and other participants. Together we will walk through time using the lens of Newburyport’s fashionable old houses!
Wear comfortable shoes for uneven terrain and bring a water bottle. In case of extreme weather, this event will be an illustrated talk at the Museum of Old Newbury.
Architectural Walking Tours are currently scheduled for
Sunday August 18
Sunday September 8
Sunday September 22.
Join the Museum of Old Newbury for a day-long exploration of the myriad links between Newbury(port) and Old York, Maine.
Begin the day at the Cushing House with a snack and a special introduction by executive director Bethany Groff Dorau to the many Newbury families who settled in York, Maine. Dorau is a relative of Newbury-born Shubael Dummer, York's first parish minister, whose violent death in 1692 rocked the colonies, and York-born Samuel Moody (1725 -1790) , the first schoolmaster at Newbury's Governor's Academy.
Get a close-up look at the Revolutionary War artifacts studied this summer by post-graduate interns Sam and Noah Clewley as we prepare for a deep dive into the loyalist world of Jonathan Sayward.
Travel (carpooling encouraged) to the Old York Historical Society, where we will be treated to a special behind-the-scenes tour with Research Center Director Peggy Wishart, followed by special tours of the National Historic Landmark 1656 Old Gaol, the 1750 Jefferds Tavern, an exploration of the 1692 Candlemas Raid, and more.
After lunch in York, we will have an exclusive, private tour of the c.1718 Sayward-Wheeler House. Learn about the lives of the free and enslaved people who lived here as the dramatic events of the American Revolutionary War unfolded around them.
$50, Museum of Old Newbury members only. Limit two tickets per member.
You can join the museum at https://www.newburyhistory.org/membership
If you are unsure if your membership is current, please call the office at 978-462-2681 or email info@newburyhistory.org.
Architectural styles, like clothing, come into fashion for functional, aesthetic, economic and social reasons. Over time homeowners renovate, enhance, and adapt to reflect changing times and fashions.
Join us for a walking tour of Newburyport’s architectural styles from the 18th and 19th centuries as found along High Street and the neighborhood near the Museum of Old Newbury. Learn to distinguish prevalent styles, note changes that have occurred over time, and determine what questions to ask about historic houses.
This approximately 90-minute walk allows ample time to walk and talk with your knowledgeable guide and other participants. Together we will walk through time using the lens of Newburyport’s fashionable old houses!
Wear comfortable shoes for uneven terrain and bring a water bottle. In case of extreme weather, this event will be an illustrated talk at the Museum of Old Newbury.
Architectural Walking Tours are currently scheduled for
Sunday August 11
Sunday August 18
Sunday September 8
Sunday September 22.
Join us for Ablaze! A Fiery Walking History of Newburyport's Famous Conflagrations, a downtown walking tour, beginning at the Museum of Old Newbury, on Sat Aug 03 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Local historian and author Ghlee Woodworth will walk us through the history of the fires, famous and infamous, that shaped the landscape of downtown Newburyport and changed our community forever.
Learn about fire buckets, fire brigades, fire societies, and firehouses, and see how the devastating Fire of 1811 led to an architectural revolution. Visit the site where the Yankee Homecoming 1983 battalion of fire trucks saved a neighborhood, and mourn the (relatively) recent loss of a community landmark. End the tour with a visit through the Museum of Old Newbury for a special look at objects and archival records assosciated with fire-fighting and the history of fires in the past.
Tickets are $10 for museum members; $20 for non-members
Architectural styles, like clothing, come into fashion for functional, aesthetic, economic and social reasons. Over time homeowners renovate, enhance, and adapt to reflect changing times and fashions.
Join us for a walking tour of Newburyport’s architectural styles from the 18th and 19th centuries as found along High Street and the neighborhood near the Museum of Old Newbury. Learn to distinguish prevalent styles, note changes that have occurred over time, and determine what questions to ask about historic houses.
This approximately 90-minute walk allows ample time to walk and talk with your knowledgeable guide and other participants. Together we will walk through time using the lens of Newburyport’s fashionable old houses!
Wear comfortable shoes for uneven terrain and bring a water bottle. In case of extreme weather, this event will be an illustrated talk at the Museum of Old Newbury.
Architectural Walking Tours are currently scheduled for
Sunday July 21
Sunday August 11
Sunday August 18
Sunday September 8
Sunday September 22.
Architectural styles, like clothing, come into fashion for functional, aesthetic, economic and social reasons. Over time homeowners renovate, enhance, and adapt to reflect changing times and fashions.
Join us for a walking tour of Newburyport’s architectural styles from the 18th and 19th centuries as found along High Street and the neighborhood near the Museum of Old Newbury. Learn to distinguish prevalent styles, note changes that have occurred over time, and determine what questions to ask about historic houses.
This approximately 90-minute walk allows ample time to walk and talk with your knowledgeable guide and other participants. Together we will walk through time using the lens of Newburyport’s fashionable old houses!
Wear comfortable shoes for uneven terrain and bring a water bottle. In case of extreme weather, this event will be an illustrated talk at the Museum of Old Newbury.
Architectural Walking Tours are currently scheduled for
Sunday July 14
Sunday July 21
Sunday August 11
Sunday August 18
Sunday September 8
Sunday September 22.
Architectural styles, like clothing, come into fashion for functional, aesthetic, economic and social reasons. Over time homeowners renovate, enhance, and adapt to reflect changing times and fashions.
Join us for a walking tour of Newburyport’s architectural styles from the 18th and 19th centuries as found along High Street and the neighborhood near the Museum of Old Newbury. Learn to distinguish prevalent styles, note changes that have occurred over time, and determine what questions to ask about historic houses.
This approximately 90-minute walk allows ample time to walk and talk with your knowledgeable guide and other participants. Together we will walk through time using the lens of Newburyport’s fashionable old houses!
Wear comfortable shoes for uneven terrain and bring a water bottle. In case of extreme weather, this event will be an illustrated talk at the Museum of Old Newbury.
Architectural Walking Tours are currently scheduled for
Sunday July 7
Sunday July 14
Sunday July 21
Sunday August 11
Sunday August 18
Sunday September 8
Sunday September 22.
The Museum of Old Newbury and First Religious Society Unitarian Universalist will host an in-person community reading of Frederick Douglass's impassioned 1852 speech, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” Lend your voice to this powerful participatory event.
We will gather near the Garrison statue in Brown Square, Newburyport. Seating is limited - please bring a chair or blanket to the reading.
The reading will be followed by a discussion led by project scholar and community activist and educator Eddie Carson.
This program is funded in part by Mass Humanities, which receives support from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and is an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
In case of inclement weather, the reading will happen on the same date & time at a nearby indoor location. Registrants will be notified of any change in location.
About Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass was born in 1818 and escaped from slavery in Maryland in 1838. He lived for many years in Massachusetts and at one time worked for the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. He delivered the Fourth of July speech on July 5, 1852, in Rochester, New York, to the Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society. The most celebrated orator of his day, Douglass’ powerful language, resolute denunciations of slavery, and forceful examination of the Constitution challenge us to think about the histories we tell, the values they teach, and if our actions match our aspirations.
The speech being read can be found here: https://www.newburyhistory.org/frederick-douglass-speech-medium
Made possible with support from:
Prospect Street Church where Frederick Douglass spoke to the residents of Newburyport in September 1841. Photo from the collections of the Museum of Old Newbury.
Architectural styles, like clothing, come into fashion for functional, aesthetic, economic and social reasons. Over time homeowners renovate, enhance, and adapt to reflect changing times and fashions.
Join us for a walking tour of Newburyport’s architectural styles from the 18th and 19th centuries as found along High Street and the neighborhood near the Museum of Old Newbury. Learn to distinguish prevalent styles, note changes that have occurred over time, and determine what questions to ask about historic houses.
This approximately 90-minute walk allows ample time to walk and talk with your knowledgeable guide and other participants. Together we will walk through time using the lens of Newburyport’s fashionable old houses!
Wear comfortable shoes for uneven terrain and bring a water bottle. In case of extreme weather, this event will be an illustrated talk at the Museum of Old Newbury.
Architectural Walking Tours are currently scheduled for
Sunday June 2
Sunday June 23
Sunday July 7
Sunday July 14
Sunday July 21
Sunday August 11
Sunday August 18
Sunday September 8
Sunday September 22.
The Museum of Old Newbury invites you to enjoy this year's Garden Tour on Saturday and Sunday, June 8 & 9, 2024. You'll enjoy access to the best we have to offer, from urban pocket gardens to larger, more formal landscapes.
The 45th Old Newbury Garden Tour occurs rain or shine. It is an inspiration for those ranging from professionals seriously interested in garden design and horticulture to enthusiasts who simply love beautiful gardens.
Tickets are $25 members, $40 non-members; your ticket is good for one or both days.
Tickets can also be purchased in-person at 98 High St., Newburyport during the event.
Start at 98 High Street to pick up your garden tour guide, or use the digital guide that you'll receive by email a week before the event!
Membership has its privileges! Become a new member of the Museum of Old Newbury! Save $10 on one ticket or up to $30 on two! Purchase your membership and tickets together online for additional savings (see combo tickets).
New in 2024: Save $30 off a Contributor membership and two tickets! This membership level, our most popular, includes membership in the North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association. This gives you free entry into more than 1,000 museums, including the Peabody Essex and Cape Ann Museum. Go to narmassociation.org to see the list of participating museums.
If you wish to become a higher-level or business member with additional discounts and privileges, please contact the office before purchasing your ticket.
With thanks to our sponsors, Bentley's Real Estate, New England Home Magazine, and Harborside Printing.
The Museum of Old Newbury invites you to enjoy this year's Garden Tour on Saturday and Sunday, June 8 & 9, 2024. You'll enjoy access to the best we have to offer, from urban pocket gardens to larger, more formal landscapes.
The 45th Old Newbury Garden Tour occurs rain or shine. It is an inspiration for those ranging from professionals seriously interested in garden design and horticulture to enthusiasts who simply love beautiful gardens.
Tickets are $25 members, $40 non-members; your ticket is good for one or both days.
Tickets can also be purchased in-person at 98 High St., Newburyport during the event.
Start at 98 High Street to pick up your garden tour guide, or use the digital guide that you'll receive by email a week before the event!
Membership has its privileges! Become a new member of the Museum of Old Newbury! Save $10 on one ticket or up to $30 on two! Purchase your membership and tickets together online for additional savings (see combo tickets).
New in 2024: Save $30 off a Contributor membership and two tickets! This membership level, our most popular, includes membership in the North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association. This gives you free entry into more than 1,000 museums, including the Peabody Essex and Cape Ann Museum. Go to narmassociation.org to see the list of participating museums.
If you wish to become a higher-level or business member with additional discounts and privileges, please contact the office before purchasing your ticket.
With thanks to our sponsors, Bentley's Real Estate, New England Home Magazine, and Harborside Printing.
Architectural styles, like clothing, come into fashion for functional, aesthetic, economic and social reasons. Over time homeowners renovate, enhance, and adapt to reflect changing times and fashions.
Join us for a walking tour of Newburyport’s architectural styles from the 18th and 19th centuries as found along High Street and the neighborhood near the Museum of Old Newbury. Learn to distinguish prevalent styles, note changes that have occurred over time, and determine what questions to ask about historic houses.
This approximately 90-minute walk allows ample time to walk and talk with your knowledgeable guide and other participants. Together we will walk through time using the lens of Newburyport’s fashionable old houses!
Wear comfortable shoes for uneven terrain and bring a water bottle. In case of extreme weather, this event will be an illustrated talk at the Museum of Old Newbury.
Architectural Walking Tours are currently scheduled for
Sunday June 2
Sunday June 23
Sunday July 7
Sunday July 14
Sunday July 21
Sunday August 11
Sunday August 18
Sunday September 8
Sunday September 22.
During the Georgian, Regency and Victorian Eras strict social restrictions kept couples from opportunities for interaction and flirtation. A gentleman had to write a poem to declare his love for a woman. Romantic access during this dance of courtship was difficult so clever women resorted to using their fashion accessories to convey messages of interest and admiration…without saying a word!
Join MOON Costume Historian Lois Valeo for another Fashion Night Out. Enjoy an illustrated talk about this intriguing secret language. Wonderful pieces from our Collection will be on display. Learn how stylish women used parasols, fans, and handkerchiefs to transmit their secret desires…without saying a word!
Free for members of the Museum of Old Newbury; $10 General Admission
Join us on at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 18 for an encore presentation of one of the most popular lectures at last year's Great Marsh Symposium. Refreshments will be served prior to the talk.
Splendor in the Grass: Art Inspired by the Great Marsh
Have you ever stopped to admire the singular beauty of the landform we live so close to, known as the Great Marsh? You are not alone. Beginning in the early 19th century, artists set up their easels and recorded the marsh in every cast of light, every type of atmospheric condition, and every season. This presentation will cover over 150 years of painters and photographers working in and around the Marsh, highlighting the work of 20 artists, including Fitz Henry Lane, Martin Johnson Heade, and Arthur Wesley Dow. In the process, examples of several important art movements that influenced artists of the period will be illustrated.
Monica Reuss is an independent appraiser of American paintings and prints dating from the 18th to mid-20th centuries. She has over 25 years of experience, having graduated from the Sotheby’s American Arts Course, then working at Northeast Auctions by Ronald Bourgeault in Portsmouth, NH, as the Fine Arts specialist responsible for research, cataloging, and appraisals. Monica is a member of the Museum of Old Newbury’s Board of Directors and Collections Committee and a member of the Appraisers Association of America, holding certification in American paintings.
Free for members of the Museum of Old Newbury; $10 for non-members.
Title image credits: Arthur Wesley Dow (1857-1922), The Blue Dragon (view from the artist’s studio), Collection of the Ipswich Museum; Agnes Augusta Bartlett Brown (1847-1932), Sunset over the Marshes, Collection of the Museum of Old Newbury
Museum of Old Newbury 98 High Street, Newburyport, MA 01950 978-462-2681 info@newburyhistory.org
© Copyright 2015 Museum of Old Newbury