Research Services
Research Appointments
The museum’s library and archival resources are available to researchers year-round by appointment.
However, in-person research appointments are extremely limited due to ongoing restoration work and COVID-19 restrictions.
Remote research assistance by our team of archivists, genealogists and historians, is a benefit of membership.
Museum staff will conduct research on your behalf; the cost is $40 for the first hour and includes a one-year individual membership. If you’d like additional research performed, we can discuss your research goals and give you an estimate before undertaking the work.
If you are interested in the history of Old Newbury, we would welcome you to become a member at whatever level you are able. If you join at a higher level, please contact us directly at for research services.
Requests are typically fulfilled within 4 weeks. Click the “Research Request” button to request research, provide details, and submit payment online.
You can also pay by mail - download and complete this research form and submit it with your payment of $40 to Museum of Old Newbury - Research Request, 98 High St. Newburyport MA 01950.