On November 10, board member Lois Valeo returns for another illustrated "Girls’ Night Out" talk featuring hats from the museum's collection. Enter the magical millinery world with her and explore how this favorite accessory has the power to combine function and frivolity into one. Examples from 1870 to 1970 reveal a rich artistic history through the years and display women’s fascination with wearing fanciful works of art!
Attendees are encouraged to bring a hat from home to discover how it reflects the mood and personality of the wearer.
Enjoy wine and cheese in the dining room with your friends at 6:30 and adjourn to the Benjamin Lecture Hall at 7:00.
This program is generously sponsored by a grant from the Institution for Savings and is offered to the community free of charge. Space is limited; reserve your seat by contacting 978-462-2681 or info@newburyhistory.org.