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POSTPONED: Lunch & Learn: Peter Fudge & Henry Bailey Little

POSTPONED: Bring your bag lunch and join historians and authors Marge & Skip Motes as they introduce you to Peter Fudge and Henry Bailey Little.

In researching their projects, Marge often finds interesting articles in old newspapers dealing with what life was like “back when.” Peter Fudge left on a ship in 1812, returning to Newburyport after 46 years. He finds that his wife thought he was dead, had twice remarried, and was now deceased. The article about his return was covered in 39 newspapers across the country. He writes about the early days, of the bustle and sounds of ships unloading, and the unique people in town. 

Henry Bailey Little also saw many changes in his life in Newburyport during his 106 years. Growing up on what is now the Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm in Newbury, he writes about early life and his memories of the mayors, ship captains and merchants of Newburyport.

Reserve your spot here (limit 40): Lunch & Learn: Reminiscences of Newburyport...Peter Fudge & Henry Bailey Little
