Archelaus Woodman Family

Archelaus Woodman Family


Genealogical information regarding Archelaus Woodman and some of his descendants. This volume includes 64 typed pages transcribed from the researcher’s original notes.

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These files are exact copies with some archaic spellings, misspelled words, various forms of some names, and the like.  The source references are Rolfe’s and in her codes; for example, “g.s.” stands for gravestone.  Download a guide to abbreviations.    

Though each volume is different, you can expect to find information such as: vital records (birth, marriage, death dates), transcriptions of wills and deeds, court records, occupation information, military and civil service records, and estate inventories.

Because these are mostly handwritten notes, many times taken quickly and written on whatever paper was at hand, there are some words that cannot be read accurately.  In those rare cases, they are given as a best guess and indicated as such. Different handwriting appears within these notes, indicating others may have assisted Rolfe, or were added after her death. Unless the writing could not be deciphered, entries are as they appear in the original text. There are some instances where information was duplicated in the text and appears so in the transcribed copy. In other instances the transcriber opted to condense some duplicated material into one entry and is so noted.

The following editorial changes have been made for ease in readability:

  • Generational names are in bold print

  • Page numbers of generational names, where found in the original text,

    are enclosed in brackets [ ] on the right-hand margin

  • Punctuation has been added to dates where they were not always included

    in the original text; i.e., Apr. 2, 1673

  • Surnames of listed children, although not always written in the original notes,

    have been added to aid in the search for a particular individual

The Museum of Old Newbury and the transcribers assume no responsibility for the content or use of the content.