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More than a Tea Party: Tea's Social & Political Symbolism

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(Courtesy image.)

(Courtesy image.)

Tea leaves reveal more about America's past than its future. 

In this cultural history, Jachimowicz finds that social and political causes, on both sides of the American Revolution, became steeped in tea. Upper class and lower class colonists alike enjoyed the aromatic brew, an entrancing drink that indulged the pretensions of British aristocrats while instilling colonial Americans with the democratic notion that they were equal to anyone. 

Imperious British taxes on tea activated American men -- and women! -- in common cause against hereditary privilege and tyranny. Representing liberty to Americans and insubordination to British loyalists, tea brewed the American Revolution.

Talia Jachimowicz, '21, from Andover, MA, is a senior at The Governor's Academy. A passionate student of the natural sciences and humanities, she competes in track and field and basketball.

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Presented by the Museum of Old Newbury and co-sponsored with The Governor's Academy, this is the 9th installment of the popular "Student Symposium" series.

Talia Jachimowicz, '21, The Governor’s Academy.

Talia Jachimowicz, '21, The Governor’s Academy.